Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sherlock Holmes vs. Dr. Watson???

Well, today i've decided to do two posts to make up for the loss of posts over the pasat month. Well just yesterday and the day before yesterday Lu and I saw Sherlock Holmes. So for today's topic i've decided to talk about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Not that they would but if they did fight who do you think would win???
Well, if you nominate one of them please give a reason :)


  1. I know who would win!!! Jason Bourne!!! oh wait. . . O_O o_0

  2. Don't miss an all new: What Lu and I Do On Friday Afternoons!!: The Aquarium.

  3. Cute! I'm coming home now! I think Sherlock would win. Because when he was fighting that big guy, he did most of the fighting, and Watson just held the big guy. Also, Watson has a limp, so I don't think he could do as good of a job as Sherlock.

  4. True, True, except Holmes probably learned all that from Watson. . . 0_o
