Sunday, October 10, 2010


ARE YOUU READYYYYYYYYYYYY!? Chacha chacha cha cha chacha chacha cha cha! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAriba! Well, of course I'm supposed to tell you the good news first, so. . . .. well we leave in 3 more days! Party Music(In cheesy tune not exactly the original tune): chacha chacha cha CHA! CHACHA CHACHA CHA! CHAAAAAAA! CHA! CHA! CHAAAAAA! (Wii play fishing,music starts) (Happy Music suddenly stops) (Super Mario 63 Bowser Theme song starts) (Super Mario Galaxy Game Over tune plays) The Bad News Is(says announcer in dark threatening voice): I'm typing this all with my left hand cause my right hand is once again against a frozen water botttle. And the swelling really hasn't gone down in my finger. I think when I shook the bee off my finger his butt smashed the sack. . . . . THAT PUMPS VENOM! Just had to make that clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . (clears throat) so um anyways that's uh just the um bad news. . . that my finger is uh still swolen. BUUT. I cannot waiteth to goeth forth to Oklahometh! So uh. . . . . . (clears throat again) right.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My first ____ _________

Well today i got my first bee sting :). It all started when I was picking up grass piles cause pops told me to. I was almost done with all the piles, i only had one left. So I reached down and stuck my hand in there. There was a sharp prick and I was like ow, that's a sharp piece of grass! so I immediately pulled my hand out and realized there was a bee attached to my ring finger! I yelled and said FREAKIN' HECK! So I shook the bee off and I ran inside, and my dad took out a knife and I was like NOOOOO WAY! YOU ARE NOT GONNA DO THAT TO MY FINGER!So he took me to his bathroom and started looking for tweezers. After unsuccessfully finding them he took me back to the kitchen and scraped it off. He then put some kind a cream on my finger. But then Aj looked it up on the internet and it said not to do that. It said too put ice on it for twenty minutes (in which i finished doing at the beginning of this post.) and then put some weird paste or something on it. Well, can't wait ta see dana!

How many days?

HOW MANY MORE DAYS LEFT?! 4 and a half! yaaaaaaay! heheheheheh!

Friday, October 8, 2010

The happening

BOO! heheh are you all scared now because I put my blog post as The Happening? Well it's not the happening you're thinking of. It's the happening of us going on vacation. FIVE DAYS!But we must be careful for just as I said that, that means someone can rob us! But unfortunate for them they don't know where I live so all's well. Yeah you're probably like wait why are you posting this today? That's because I didn't get to finish it yesterday :)